«Our Wisconsin Revolution is proud to endorse Tom Nelson for the U.S. Senate. Tom fights tirelessly for working people and puts people before corporate profits. We know that just beating Ron Johnson is not enough, we need someone willing to challenge the billionaire class and corporate power. Tom can win back this Senate seat BECAUSE he’s true to a progressive vision, not in spite of this, as some other candidates might believe.»
«Tom Nelson is the Green New Deal champion that Sunrise Wisconsin has been searching for in this race. Tom is willing to fight tooth and nail for progressive policies in Washington D.C. that will benefit everyday working Wisconsinites and reverse the effects of our changing climate. Young people in Wisconsin aren’t going to support incremental changes, and we certainly don’t want to see another Kyrsten Sinema in the Senate selling our future out. We are supporting Tom because he gives us hope for bold climate action.»
«We’ve done the research and found out that Tom Nelson is the BEST Democrat running for #WISen. If we want a Senate that works for US and not the 1%, then we must support his campaign.»
«We proudly endorses Tom Nelson for U.S. Senate. Tom Nelson is a lifelong Wisconsinite who has been serving his home state for the last 20 years as a progressive, compassionate, and responsible lawmaker.»
«New Deal America endorsed Tom Nelson because he is the most pro-union U.S. Senate candidate in America.»

The Gun Sense Candidate distinction is not an endorsement from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America or Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. Instead, it is a signal to supporters, volunteers and voters across the country that Tom Nelson advocates for gun violence prevention and will govern with gun safety in mind, if elected.
«As the son of a pastor, I’m running on a common good platform that makes Wisconsin work for everyone, not just those at the top. Caring about the common good is why we need Medicare for All, a Green New Deal to heal our planet and why dignity for all workers in the form of organized labor is urgent.» - Tom Nelson, Candidate for Common Good

United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America Western Region: «United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America Western Region endorses Tom Nelson for U.S. Senate knowing his proven track record for workers, from saving a local paper mill to walking the picket lines with us across the state. We are also proud to note several of Tom’s cousins were members of the UE Local 1111 at Allen-Bradley before corporate greed shut down the plant. Tom is the champion of the working class in this race, shown by his unyielding support of the PRO Act, Medicare For All, a $15 minimum wage, and opposing bad trade deals. His family roots and record demonstrate he’s going to Washington to fight for our die makers, custodians, truck drivers, and everyone in between, not for the interests of Wall Street.»
Grand Chute Fire Fighters I.A.F.F. Local 3655: «Tom Nelson has a long and extensive history of supporting the Town of Grand Chute and Union Firefighters. His commitment to working people has always made him someone that can be relied upon. Tom represents a compassionate and honest politician who understands the needs and wants of those who dedicate themselves to the protection of the citizens of Grand Chute and its surrounding communities. Grand Chute Fire Department Local 3655 is both honored and privileged to endorse Tom for U.S. Senate.»
Green Bay Area Fire Fighters I.A.F.F. Local 141: «Like many other members of the middle class, our wages and means of supporting our families have been drastically cut year after year. Now is the time to take a stand. The motivation, professionalism, honesty, compassion, and fiscal responsibility that Tom Nelson displays daily is exactly what we need, and that is why Green Bay Area Fire Fighters I.A.F.F. Local 141 is honored and proud to endorse him.»
The Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association Local 599: «The Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association Local 599 is proud to endorse Tom Nelson for the US Senate. Labor needs a strong voice and champion like Tom who will fight hard for working families every day. Tom knows the value of union labor and the crucial role construction trades play in our communities, growing economies and improving quality of life.»
Current Elected Officials
Kelda Roys, State Senator (Madison)
«I’m proud to endorse Tom Nelson as the progressive Senator we need. His support for Medicare for All is what we need for Washington to finally fix our broken health care system. He will always protect a woman’s right to choose and has shown you can get results in a red county through hard work and real leadership.»
Nick Milroy, State Assembly Representative (Superior)
«As the son of a Lutheran pastor who grew up in Little Chute, Tom Nelson understands very well the beauty and challenges of rural Wisconsin. He courageously helped save a local paper mill and he knows the importance of investing in our small businesses, family farms, while also being fiscally responsible. I was proud to serve with him in the State Assembly and see his leadership up close. He will be a fierce advocate for the Northwoods as a U.S. Senator.»
Milwaukee County Board Supervisor Sheldon Wasserman
«I have been impressed with Tom Nelson since we served together in the State Assembly. He was someone who got things done by working both sides of the aisle. I’m glad to endorse him for U.S. Senate so we can have an effective voice for Wisconsin.»
Outagamie County Board Supervisor Chris Croatt
«Tom’s leadership in Appleton — and all of Outagamie county — throughout the COVID-19 pandemic is indicative of how well he’ll serve all of Wisconsin. In times of crisis and instability, Tom led our county fearlessly, and that’s why I trust him as my next United States Senator.»
Vice-Chair of the Outagamie County Board of Supervisors Travis Thyssen
«I’ve been proud to serve the residents of Outagamie county with Tom Nelson, and I’m even more proud to endorse him for US Senate. He’s a proven leader with real working-class values.»
Outagamie County Board Supervisor Cindy Fallona
«Tom Nelson is the progressive leader we need in the Senate. As Ron Johnson continues to flounder, I am confident in Tom’s people-first leadership that will uplift Wisconsin’s economy, schools, and industries throughout this pandemic and beyond it.»
Outagamie County Board Supervisor District Jeff McCabe
«Tom is a proven leader who has dedicated his career to serving the people of Wisconsin. Under his current leadership as County Executive, Outagamie County has achieved a AAA rating and has been consistently acknowledged as one of the best-run counties in the state of Wisconsin.»
Shawano County Board Supervisor Joe Miller
«My wife Jackie and I live on the Stockbridge-Munsee Indian Reservation in Shawano County. I have over 30 years government experience: Tribal Council, Bowler School Board, and Shawano County Board of Supervisors. I’ve known Tom for over a decade and he is an honest man and what we need in the U.S. Senate! He is willing to work for all residents, no matter what their political preference may be. I am proud to support him.»
Bob Wirch, State Senator (Somers)
«Today I am giving my full endorsement to Tom Nelson for United States Senate. I served with Tom in the Legislature and know him to be a leader who truly cares about working families and core Democratic values like healthcare, fair wages, and workers’ rights and protections. His time as Outagamie County Executive shows that he can work with people of different viewpoints to get things done; he understands what our communities, and our state, need to progress. I believe Tom Nelson is the candidate who can speak to all Wisconsinites, whether urban, suburban or rural, and he is the candidate who can retire Ron Johnson. Join me in supporting Tom Nelson for U.S. Senate.»
Milwaukee County Board Supervisor Tony Staskunas
«I served with Tom in the state Assembly. I know him to be a committed public servant and tireless worker who always puts his constituents first. We need a Senator who understands the needs of working families and will well represent and serve them in the US Senate. It is for that reason that I wholeheartedly endorse him for the US Senate.»
Waunakee Village Trustee Sam Kaufmann
«I’m endorsing Tom Nelson for the United States Senate in Wisconsin in 2022 because he reminds me of all the great progressive politicians this state has had over the years, whether it’s Herb Kohl, Russ Feingold, Bill Proxmire, Bob La Follette - you name it. He’s a coalition builder. He’s great at getting things done. He comes from an area outside of Madison or Milwaukee. He’s known for working across the line with politicians like Republican former mayor of Appleton, Tim Hanna. And I think he’s the best choice to beat Ron Johnson.»
Village of Biron Clerk Anne Arndt
«Tom Nelson can be counted on putting workers first. I’ve watched his career and admire his service. The U.S. Senate could use someone who watches out for working families like Tom Nelson. And Ron Johnson deserves an opponent who can beat him.»
Menasha Joint School District Board Member Rob Konitzer
«I grew up with Thomas. From an early age, we knew him as someone who always fought hard for and stood up for what he believed in. He’ll make a fine U.S. Senator and make us proud.»
Ridgeway Village Trustee Mary Kay Baum
«It is my privilege to endorse Tom Nelson. For decades I have seen Tom bring people together for progressive action. Tom shows time and again that he can be counted upon to stand up for working families, environmental justice and a green economy. Tom will make a great Senator!»
Adams County School Board Member-Elect Joni Anderson
«From one public official to another, I am pleased to be able to endorse Tom Nelson for U.S. Senate because I have seen firsthand Tom’s commitment to labor and the working person. I am confident he will put the people of Wisconsin first.»
Dunn County Board Supervisor John Rocco Calabrese
«I am proud to endorse and stand with Tom Nelson in his race for the Senate because he will lead in the urgent fight to secure Medicare for All and because he can always be counted on to stand up for us. Farmers, workers seniors, environmentalists, LGBTQ+ -have no better ally than Tom Nelson.»
Former Wisconsin Governor Tony Earl
«Honesty, integrity and hard work is exactly what we need in our next US Senator and that is why I wholeheartedly endorse Tom Nelson. He will bring a breath of fresh air and be someone who will make Wisconsin proud again.»
Former State Senator Jessica King (Fond Du Lac)
«From baling hay to bussing tables to working at a paper mill, Tom Nelson knows what working families are going through and has spent his career fighting for them. It’s time we have more Senators who aren’t millionaires and know the struggles of everyday Wisconsinites.»
Former State Assembly Representative Chris Danou (La Crosse County)
«Tom Nelson is a lifelong Wisconsinite who grew up in a small-town community. His fight for workers and to save the local paper mill shows he will leave no one behind in Wisconsin. I am proud to endorse him for U.S. Senate because of his ability to bridge our urban-rural divides.»
Former State Assembly Representative Stan Gruszynski (Stevens Point)
«I’ve lived and worked in rural Wisconsin nearly my entire life. I know Tom Nelson will give Wisconsin rural communities a strong voice in the U.S. Senate.»
Former State Assembly Representative Gary Sherman (Bayfield County)
«I’ve known Tom for over a decade since we were in the state legislature. I’ve never known a public official who worked as hard and that’s why we elected him to be our assistant leader in the Assembly. And when, in 2017, the death knell sounded for a historic paper valley mill that had been the community’s economic mainstay for 128 years, Tom led the way and, against all odds, the people won. It’s time we had a giant killer like Tom on our side. I am proud to endorse him to be our next U.S. Senator.»
Former State Assembly Representative Donna Seidel (Wausau)
«Tom has always put working families first since his time in the Assembly. He is passionate about reviving Wisconsin manufacturing, fighting unfair trade agreements and will fight for Wausau in the U.S. Senate.»
Former State Assembly Representative Jim Soletski (Green Bay)
«I was proud to serve with Tom in the Assembly and see his leadership fighting against payday lenders and preserving SeniorCare, a unique prescription drug program for the elderly. As a native from the Fox River Valley, Tom knows how to win in tough areas which makes him the best candidate to be our next Senator.»
Former State Assembly Representative Chuck Benedict (Beloit):
«Throughout my service in the Wisconsin State Legislature and my time as a practicing neurologist in Beloit from 1985 to 2004, I was a tireless advocate for a properly funded «Medicare for All» health care system. Within my freshman class of the legislature, Tom Nelson stood out as a clear leader and fellow supporter of health care for all. His ability to advocate for his constituents is a major strength, and he manages to speak plainly but powerfully. These are just some of the many incredible traits Tom will bring as Wisconsin’s next U.S. Senator.»
Former Waukesha Mayor Paul Vrakas
«As a former fellow local official, I trust Tom Nelson to get things done for us in Washington and bring people together as he has as Outagamie County Executive. Even though he’s a Democrat, he’s been elected continuously in his conservative area and proven he can work on a bipartisan basis to get things done, such as helping to save a local paper mill that was due to shut down with hundreds of union jobs at stake. Waukesha will be well served by someone who understands what our Wisconsin communities need.»
Former State Assembly Majority Leader Dave Travis (Madison)
«I served in the Wisconsin Assembly with Tom. He was a damn good legislator. Tom was selected by his Assembly Democratic colleagues to be their leader – which tells you how his peers viewed him. He’s repeatedly won elections in areas that aren’t very blue, which are necessary for any Democrat to carry in a statewide election. Tom is an experienced, knowledgeable leader who knows Wisconsin, and who can defeat the national embarrassment who shamefully represents us in the U.S. Senate.»
Tim Jacobson, Chief Steward, UAW Local 578
«Tom’s dedication to union causes and Wisconsin manufacturing is unmatched with real accomplishments. I’m proud to endorse a fellow labor leader to serve the great state of Wisconsin.»
John Matthews, Executive Director, Madison Teachers Inc, 1968 - 2016
«I’m endorsing Tom because he’s committed to quality education and valuing teachers. Having known and seen Tom’s leadership going back to his days in the legislature, I know he’s going to protect Wisconsin’s public schools with his leadership, listening, and advocating for what’s right.»
Ryan Steffel, President, IAFF Local 1594
«Tom’s history of integrity and heartfelt leadership makes him an ideal candidate for the people of Wisconsin. I’m impressed with his work as Outagamie County Executive and his involvement in saving the jobs of hundreds of workers at our nearby paper mill. Tom has set a clear example of his commitment to the Wisconsin worker.»
Joe Resch, Vice-President, IAFF Local 1594
«As a firefighter, I know Tom’s got my back and I’m proud to endorse him for the Senate. He has a vision for Medicare for All but in the short term, allowing public safety workers to buy into Medicare for those who risk their lives everyday for our communities.»
Kilah Engelke, Recording Secretary, Milwaukee Building-Construction Trades Council
«Not only has Tom been a loyal supporter of unions, but he also understands the opportunities the building trades offer to women as well. I’m proud to support him as the Senator we need for workers.»
Jon Geenen, Former United Steelworkers International Vice-President
«Wisconsin has a rich history of labor activism and no one gets this better than Tom Nelson. A man who never had to be asked to help, and offered assistance every time any Wisconsin paper mill faced a crisis, Tom has proven his commitment and loyalty to advancing the worker’s cause. I know no one will fight harder in the U.S. Senate for Wisconsin’s working men and women.»
Dave Branson, Local Labor Leader
«Tom Nelson has been a loyal advocate for working men and women. Labor unions know we have no better friend. As a steamfitter, I know Tom is dedicated to Wisconsin workers. He has the best record for fighting for us. I’m proud to endorse him to be the next Senator from Wisconsin.»
Nick Liesch, Sheet Metal Workers Local 18, business representative (retired), Past President of NorthEast Wisconsin Building and Construction Trades Council
«It’s past time to make this a better world for our children and grandchildren by investing in a labor-first climate solution while creating good paying jobs for working families. I’m certain Tom Nelson is the right person for the job in the U.S. Senate.»
Scott Parr, Assistant Directing Business Representative District 10, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (Ret.)
«I know Tom Nelson and I know he is the labor candidate. No one has fought as hard for working families than Tom. He has been on the picket line and he’s always been there for us, as a legislator and as county executive. I proudly endorse Tom for U.S. Senate.»
Dan VandenBush, Retired United Steelworkers Staff Representative
«Tom Nelson has for decades stood alongside families with their best interest in obtaining a better society and community. His track record is both constant and consistent. That’s why I am supporting Tom for US Senate.»
Steve McFarlane, Current President, Green Bay Labor Council (2018-Present)
«Tom Nelson has always been here for working families and I know he will take those values for us to the U.S. Senate.»
Erin Davisson, Local legend and retired anchor for WFRV-TV in Green Bay
«During my 32 years at WFRV, I was honored to bring you the news that mattered to the families of northeast Wisconsin. Now, I am delighted to endorse Tom Nelson for U.S. Senate. I’ve known Tom for many years and have seen him up close in action. He’s a thoughtful leader who has served Outagamie County and northeast Wisconsin well whether it was fighting to keep the Appleton Coated mill open, helping lead our community through the pandemic or passing balanced budgets and providing essential services to his county and I know he will do the same for our state in Washington, D.C.»
Paul DeMain, Oneida Nation member, CEO of Indian Country Communications
«I’m just a northern Wisconsin businessman. Take a look at Tom Nelson. No silver spoon. No slick politics. I like honest. I appreciate trust. I support “environmentally clean” union jobs. I want my great grand children to have a good education – trust in their government, deer meat and community – not reckless politics. I like people who have milked cows, trust their Indigenous neighbors, reject the influence of foreign tar sand oil corporations and know how to grow corn, like me.»
Chungyia Thao, President of Thao United National, Inc
«Tom Nelson is someone that I and the Hmong community can trust to well represent our interests. I know I can count on him to have our backs. He fought hard against forced repatriation to Laos, he honors us each year at the Hmong New Year festival, and works hard to make sure the Hmong community has a seat at the table. It is for this reason and so many others that I endorse Tom Nelson for US Senate.»
Terri Spring, Former DPW Chair (1997-2001)
«I worked with and worked for many candidates in my time as state party chair and as a Democratic activist. I can say without qualification that Tom Nelson has the credentials, track record and background to take on and defeat Ron Johnson and will be a US Senator who will fight hard for working families. That is why I am proud to endorse him for Senate and I hope you will join me.»
Marianne Williamson, Bestselling Author
«Tom is the candidate with the truest progressive vision for Wisconsin and the best chance at beating Ron Johnson.
Tom Nelson has consistently shown himself to be a change agent in confronting the various crises facing our nation. Whether it’s standing up for paper mill and factory workers and dairy farmers who are being ground up for corporate profit, or envisioning an American environmental policy that heals our planet while making our communities stronger and less reliant on Big Oil, or making clear the need for Medicare for All, Tom has distinguished himself from among the Democratic field.
And as a pastor’s kid himself, Tom understands that this is not merely a political struggle, but a moral and spiritual one, as well. This understanding and approach is what’s led him to success in a so-called «red» area and it’s why he is best suited to beat Ron Johnson in November.»
Harvey Kaye, Professor Emeritus of Democracy and Justice, UW-Green Bay
«I enthusiastically support Tom Nelson for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate. Embracing Wisconsin’s finest progressive values, Tom believes that every American has a right to a productive job that pays a living wage, a right to a voice in the workplace through membership in a labor union with collective bargaining powers, and a right to comprehensive quality healthcare. Indeed, Tom is committed to enabling every one of us to realize the nation’s historic promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.»
Jeff Rumbaugh, Former US Senate Candidate and Disability Rights Advocate
«After hearing from everyone, we realize that the only candidate who truly understands the seriousness of global warming, the fight for democracy, and now the only true progressive in the race, is clearly Tom Nelson. Unlike all the other candidates, “green energy” is not just a talking point. Our campaign, and all it stands for, is proud to endorse Tom Nelson for U.S. Senate, and we ask that you do as well. There is nothing FAKE about Tom Nelson - he is a REAL leader, with REAL understanding - not just money and a list of talking points.
Tom Nelson is the candidate whose leadership is worth more than money.»