”We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both.
Louis D. BrandeisFormer U.S. Supreme Court Justice

On The Issues
Labor and the Economy
Putting Main St. over Wall St.
Tax The Rich
Billionaires and corporations must pay their fair share.
Climate Crisis and the Environment
We need an aggressive Blue-Green New Deal.
Invest in our future
Fiscal Responsibility
We must exercise proper care of taxpayer money.
Gun Violence
We need common sense gun safety reform now.
Medicare for All
Healthcare is a human right.
Justice For All
We must ensure equality for all.
Our veterans must be honored and cared for.
Preserving Democracy
We need to clean up corruption in Washington.
Retirement Security
Our seniors should retire with dignity.
Rural Wisconsin
Family farms are in crisis and rural areas are being left behind.
Sane Foreign Policy
More diplomacy. Less endless wars.
Safer Communities
Reducing violence and ensuring safety.
Respect Women’s Choices
A women’s right to choose must be protected.